Donate Help us continue to spread the Joy of the Gospel

The call to religious life is a supernatural gift from God inspiring us to leave behind the world and our old way of life and give ourselves completely through a free, total, faithful, and fruitful commitment to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

As Poor Clares, we are known especially for our call to prayer, poverty, and living the Gospel in a joyful manner.

God has richly blessed this community for the last 100 years, allowing us to be a visible sign that He is present, that He is available, and that He hears our concerns. This life is only possible through the generous cooperation of our benefactors and friends who work with God to sustain us through His providence and mercy.

Please prayerfully consider a donation to the Poor Clares to allow us to continue to bring your needs before God and serve His Church here in Spokane.

Peace and all good to you!

Love Him totally who gave Himself totally for your love.
Saint Clare of Assisi